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利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

创建时间:  2024-05-31  毛霜霜   浏览次数:

题目:利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

报告人:Jialai Wang 教授,美国Alabam 大学

时间:2024年6月3日 星期一14:30-17:00




Dr. Jialai Wang is a professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) at the University of Alabama. His research focuses on the decarbonization of emissions-intensiveindustries and the built environment through material innovation. His current research interests include low-carbon construction materials,carbon capture and utilization, sustainable production of clean hydrogen, nanotechnologies, thermal energy storage, and material circularity.

> Supported by various federal agencies. U.S.National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy, with total funding exceeding $10 million.

>More than 100 journal articles and six U.S. patents. One of his inventions,regarding sequestering CO2 in concrete, has been licensed to CarbonCure Technologies,LLC for commercial applications.


混凝土可以通过矿化过程作为CO2的吸收源,在这一过程中,CO2与混凝土中的富含钙的矿物反应生成碳酸钙(CaCO3),从而永久储存 CO2。然而,现有技术无法实现混凝土的全潜力,并导致所生产的混凝土耐久性问题。提出了一种将CO2封存于混凝土中的新途径,即生物分子调控碳化(BioCarb)方法。

上一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 969:压电半导体多场耦合性能

下一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 968:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions

利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

创建时间:  2024-05-31  毛霜霜   浏览次数:   

题目:利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

报告人:Jialai Wang 教授,美国Alabam 大学

时间:2024年6月3日 星期一14:30-17:00




Dr. Jialai Wang is a professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) at the University of Alabama. His research focuses on the decarbonization of emissions-intensiveindustries and the built environment through material innovation. His current research interests include low-carbon construction materials,carbon capture and utilization, sustainable production of clean hydrogen, nanotechnologies, thermal energy storage, and material circularity.

> Supported by various federal agencies. U.S.National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy, with total funding exceeding $10 million.

>More than 100 journal articles and six U.S. patents. One of his inventions,regarding sequestering CO2 in concrete, has been licensed to CarbonCure Technologies,LLC for commercial applications.


混凝土可以通过矿化过程作为CO2的吸收源,在这一过程中,CO2与混凝土中的富含钙的矿物反应生成碳酸钙(CaCO3),从而永久储存 CO2。然而,现有技术无法实现混凝土的全潜力,并导致所生产的混凝土耐久性问题。提出了一种将CO2封存于混凝土中的新途径,即生物分子调控碳化(BioCarb)方法。

上一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 969:压电半导体多场耦合性能

下一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 968:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions