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钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 968:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions

创建时间:  2024-05-27  毛霜霜   浏览次数:

题 目:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions

报告人:Vladimir Golubev Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University




Dr. Golubev is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Director of Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. He received his PhD in 1997 from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Notre Dame, and soon joined the Trane Company as a Computational Aeroacoustics Engineer. Since 2001, he was employed by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and since 2010 has been leading the High Technology Materials, LLC company focusing on the development of novel technologies in aerospace. His primary research interests include analytical and high-fidelity numerical analyses of unsteady flow-structure interactions with a focus on applications in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, propulsion and flow control. Dr. Golubev authored over 150 refereed journal and conference publications and was a Keynote speaker at several engineering meetings. His research efforts have been recently supported by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Florida Center for Advanced Aero Propulsion, and United Launch Alliance. He is an AIAA Associate Fellow, a recipient of 2010 ERAU Researcher of the Year award, a 2022-2023 Fulbright Scholar, and served for many years as NASA and Air Force/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellow.


The seminar will start with a broad introduction to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s academic and research programs, and will provide a detailed overview of recent research projects in unsteady aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and flow control conducted at ERAU Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Lab (PACL). The seminar then focuses on recent experimental and numerical studies examining resonant flow-acoustic feedback–loop interactions in transitional airfoils (i.e., possessing a notable area of laminar-to-turbulent boundary-layer transition) characteristic of low-to-medium Reynolds number flow regimes. Such interactions are commonly attributed to the viscous dynamics of the convected boundary-layer structures scattering into acoustic waves at the trailing edge which propagate upstream and re-excite the convected vortical structures. While it has been long suspected that the acoustic feedback mechanism is responsible for the highly pronounced, often multi-tonal airfoil acoustic response, the exact reason of how the boundary-layer instability structures could reach a sufficient degree of amplification to sustain the feedback-loop process and exhibit specific tonal signature remained unclear. Our recent investigations reported in this seminar reveal the critical role of the laminar separation bubble in the feedback process and emphasize the complementary roles of the experimental and numerical works in elucidating an intricate connection between the airfoil radiated tonal acoustic signature and the properties of the separation zones as determined by airfoil geometry and flow regimes.

上一条:利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

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钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 968:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions

创建时间:  2024-05-27  毛霜霜   浏览次数:   

题 目:Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions

报告人:Vladimir Golubev Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University




Dr. Golubev is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Director of Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. He received his PhD in 1997 from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Notre Dame, and soon joined the Trane Company as a Computational Aeroacoustics Engineer. Since 2001, he was employed by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and since 2010 has been leading the High Technology Materials, LLC company focusing on the development of novel technologies in aerospace. His primary research interests include analytical and high-fidelity numerical analyses of unsteady flow-structure interactions with a focus on applications in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, propulsion and flow control. Dr. Golubev authored over 150 refereed journal and conference publications and was a Keynote speaker at several engineering meetings. His research efforts have been recently supported by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Florida Center for Advanced Aero Propulsion, and United Launch Alliance. He is an AIAA Associate Fellow, a recipient of 2010 ERAU Researcher of the Year award, a 2022-2023 Fulbright Scholar, and served for many years as NASA and Air Force/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellow.


The seminar will start with a broad introduction to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s academic and research programs, and will provide a detailed overview of recent research projects in unsteady aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and flow control conducted at ERAU Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Lab (PACL). The seminar then focuses on recent experimental and numerical studies examining resonant flow-acoustic feedback–loop interactions in transitional airfoils (i.e., possessing a notable area of laminar-to-turbulent boundary-layer transition) characteristic of low-to-medium Reynolds number flow regimes. Such interactions are commonly attributed to the viscous dynamics of the convected boundary-layer structures scattering into acoustic waves at the trailing edge which propagate upstream and re-excite the convected vortical structures. While it has been long suspected that the acoustic feedback mechanism is responsible for the highly pronounced, often multi-tonal airfoil acoustic response, the exact reason of how the boundary-layer instability structures could reach a sufficient degree of amplification to sustain the feedback-loop process and exhibit specific tonal signature remained unclear. Our recent investigations reported in this seminar reveal the critical role of the laminar separation bubble in the feedback process and emphasize the complementary roles of the experimental and numerical works in elucidating an intricate connection between the airfoil radiated tonal acoustic signature and the properties of the separation zones as determined by airfoil geometry and flow regimes.

上一条:利用生物分子调控碳化提升混凝土的 CO₂捕集能力

下一条:Spatio-temporal analysis of geohazards