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Seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil: validation against centrifuge model tests and boundary effects

创建时间:  2023-11-03  毛霜霜   浏览次数:

Title: Seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil: validation against centrifuge model tests and boundary effects


主讲人:Prof. Dr. Ioannis Anastasopoulos Head of Dep. of Civil, Env. and Geomatic Eng. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院,瑞士

时 间:2023年11月3日 下午15:00-17:00



This presentation focuses on validating the seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil through centrifuge model tests and considering the influence of boundary effects. By comparing the results obtained from the centrifuge model tests with numerical simulations, the accuracy and reliability of the numerical models in predicting the structural response in liquefiable soil can be assessed. Additionally, the study investigates the impact of boundary conditions on the seismic behavior of structures, providing insights into the complex soil-structure interaction. The findings contribute to improving design methodologies for seismic-resistant structures in liquefied soil environments.

Short CV

Ioannis Anastasopoulos has been Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at ETH Zurich since 2016. He specializes in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil–structure interaction, combining numerical with experimental methods. His academic degrees include a PhD from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), an MSc from Purdue University, and a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA.

His research interests include resilient seismic design and preparedness, innovative seismic hazard mitigation techniques, sustainable retrofit of bridge foundations, improved methods for sustainable geotechnical construction, faulting and its effects on infrastructure, site effects and slope stabilization, foundations for renewable energy, tsunamis and their effects on coastal infrastructure, scouring of bridge foundations, soil liquefaction and structure–soil–structure interaction. He is the inaugural recipient of the Young Researcher Award of the ISSMGE in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, and the winner of the 2012 Shamsher Prakash Research Award.

He has been involved as a consultant in a variety of projects of significance in Europe, but also in the US and the Middle East. His consulting work ranges from the design of pile-rafts of tall buildings/towers, special seismic design for new and retrofit of existing bridges, retaining walls, metro stations and tunnels, to harbour quay walls, and special design against faulting–induced deformation. He is National Delegate-Expert for Switzerland for the 2nd generation of Eurocode 7 and member of the SIA 267 Commission on Geotechnical Design.

Moreover, he is actively engaged in the organization of international conferences (e.g., external pageICONHIC-2019call_made), specialized workshops and training courses, fostering knowledge transfer and fruitful interactions between the academia and the industry. He currently serves as Associate Editor (AE) of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, and Frontiers in Built Environment, and has served as Editorial Board Member (EBM) of Géotechnique and of the ICE Geotechnical Engineering Journal. As of 2021, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (external pageIAEEcall_made).

上一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 956:数值试验:第三种科学研究方法——从岩石破裂模拟到地球大龟裂假说

下一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 954:无损检测在航空领域的研究与应用

Seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil: validation against centrifuge model tests and boundary effects

创建时间:  2023-11-03  毛霜霜   浏览次数:   

Title: Seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil: validation against centrifuge model tests and boundary effects


主讲人:Prof. Dr. Ioannis Anastasopoulos Head of Dep. of Civil, Env. and Geomatic Eng. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院,瑞士

时 间:2023年11月3日 下午15:00-17:00



This presentation focuses on validating the seismic response of structures in liquefiable soil through centrifuge model tests and considering the influence of boundary effects. By comparing the results obtained from the centrifuge model tests with numerical simulations, the accuracy and reliability of the numerical models in predicting the structural response in liquefiable soil can be assessed. Additionally, the study investigates the impact of boundary conditions on the seismic behavior of structures, providing insights into the complex soil-structure interaction. The findings contribute to improving design methodologies for seismic-resistant structures in liquefied soil environments.

Short CV

Ioannis Anastasopoulos has been Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at ETH Zurich since 2016. He specializes in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil–structure interaction, combining numerical with experimental methods. His academic degrees include a PhD from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), an MSc from Purdue University, and a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA.

His research interests include resilient seismic design and preparedness, innovative seismic hazard mitigation techniques, sustainable retrofit of bridge foundations, improved methods for sustainable geotechnical construction, faulting and its effects on infrastructure, site effects and slope stabilization, foundations for renewable energy, tsunamis and their effects on coastal infrastructure, scouring of bridge foundations, soil liquefaction and structure–soil–structure interaction. He is the inaugural recipient of the Young Researcher Award of the ISSMGE in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, and the winner of the 2012 Shamsher Prakash Research Award.

He has been involved as a consultant in a variety of projects of significance in Europe, but also in the US and the Middle East. His consulting work ranges from the design of pile-rafts of tall buildings/towers, special seismic design for new and retrofit of existing bridges, retaining walls, metro stations and tunnels, to harbour quay walls, and special design against faulting–induced deformation. He is National Delegate-Expert for Switzerland for the 2nd generation of Eurocode 7 and member of the SIA 267 Commission on Geotechnical Design.

Moreover, he is actively engaged in the organization of international conferences (e.g., external pageICONHIC-2019call_made), specialized workshops and training courses, fostering knowledge transfer and fruitful interactions between the academia and the industry. He currently serves as Associate Editor (AE) of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, and Frontiers in Built Environment, and has served as Editorial Board Member (EBM) of Géotechnique and of the ICE Geotechnical Engineering Journal. As of 2021, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (external pageIAEEcall_made).

上一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 956:数值试验:第三种科学研究方法——从岩石破裂模拟到地球大龟裂假说

下一条:钱伟长力学 SEMINAR 954:无损检测在航空领域的研究与应用