2024.11 – 至 今 ,上海大学,土木工程系,副教授
2020.07 – 2024.10,上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,博士后(2020.10认定为讲师)
2019.01 - 2019.12,日本名城大学,土木工程系,助理研究员
2014.09 – 2020.06 东南大学,土木工程学院,结构工程专业,获博士学位(硕博连读)
2010.09 – 2014.06 东南大学,土木工程学院,土木工程专业,获学士学位
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,自复位黏滞减震结构的动力响应机理与静动并行控制方法,2025.01 – 2027.12,30万元,主持
2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上资助项目(二等),新型装配式框架减震结构的动力模型及减震效应研究,2020.11 – 2024.09,8万元,主持
3. 国家重点研发计划项目,装配式混凝土工业化建筑高效施工关键技术研究与示范,2016.07 – 2019.12,470万元,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于成组耗能棒的局部预应力装配式混凝土框架抗震性能与设计方法,2017.01 - 2020.12,64万元,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,群强震下高层隔震结构提离摇摆倒塌全域动力模型及控制,2024.01 – 2027.12,参与
6. 广西重点研发计划,装配式建筑减隔震成套技术研究,2019.12 – 2022.11,150万元,参与
1. Yang S, Guan DZ, Jia LJ, Guo ZX, Ge HB. Local bulging analysis of a restraint tube in a new buckling-restrained brace[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2019, 161: 98-113. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q2)
2. Yang S, Liu Y, Lin Y, Guan DZ, Ge HB, Guo ZX, Liu WG. Experimental and numerical studies of miniature bar-typed structural fuses with Teflon pads[J]. Steel and Composite Structures. 2021, 41(4): 581-594. (SCI检索,JCR-Q1)
3. Yang S, Liu WG, Guan DZ, Ge HB, Guo ZX. Post-buckling behaviour study of a miniature bar-typed steel fuse with IM-isotropous sections[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 200: 107655. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q2)
4. Yang S, Lin Y, Guan DZ, Che Y, Liu WG, Guo ZX. Experimental investigation of a locally-compressed beam-column connection with bar-typed fuses[J]. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 63: 105562. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q1)
5. Yang S, Lin Y, Guan DZ, Ge HB, Guo ZX, Yang H, Liu WG. Novel hierarchical energy dissipation systems for seismic protection of buildings[J]. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 27(1): 1-32. (SCI检索,JCR-Q2)
6. Wang K, Liu WG, Yang S*, Xu H. Seismic behavior of a precast hollow concrete shear wall with insulation under high axial compression ratios[J]. Engineering Structures. 2024, 318: 118672. (SCI检索,中科院1区,JCR-Q1)
7. Liu WG, Zhong ML, Yang S*, He WF, Liu W. Seismic performance study on novel precast concrete beam-to-beam connection with threaded sleeve[J]. Structures, 2024, 64: 106572. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q1)
8. He WF, Zhu CY, Yang S*, Lu XF. Experimental investigation on post-high temperature mechanical properties of aluminum‑lithium alloy 2195[J]. Journal of constructional steel research. 2025, 227: 109412. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q2)
9. Guan DZ, Xu RN, Yang S*, Chen ZX, Guo ZX. Development and seismic behavior of a novel UHPC-shell strengthened prefabricated concrete column[J]. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021, 46: 103672. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q1)
10. He WF, Kang JZ, Yang S*, Liu WY, Liu W. Experimental research on the seismic characteristics of a precast frame structure with a viscous damper[J]. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 27(4): 959-980. (SCI检索,JCR-Q2)
11. Guan DZ, Li SH, Yang S*, Liu JB, Guo ZX. Seismic performance study on a precast double-skin composite wall with circular CFSTs[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 200: 107677. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q2)
12. Liu WG*, Wang K, Gong ZP, Yang S*, Gong XH. Experimental study on joint’s seismic performance of a PCSW with thermal insulation elements[J]. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 66: 105886. (SCI检索,中科院2区,JCR-Q2)
13. He WF, Han HY, Yang S*, Liu W. Experimental study on seismic performance of precast column with mid-span connection[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2024, online, 100037. (SCI检索,JCR-Q3)
14. 何文福, 康嘉志, 刘文燕, 杨森*, 吴赛丰. 装配整体式粘滞阻尼器减震框架试验及参数分析研究[J]. 地震工程与工程振动. (北大核心)
15. 陈哲贤, 刘文燕, 杨森*, 何文福, 刘威. 预制空心保温剪力墙试验研究及延性分析[J]. 世界地震工程. (北大核心)
16. 王琨, 刘文光, 龚祖平, 杨森*, 刘威, 龚徐华. 装配式空心保温剪力墙抗震性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构. (北大核心)
17. 刘文燕, 晏煜恒, 杨森*, 何文福. 牛腿榫头搭接连接梁柱节点抗震性能试验研究[J]. 上海大学学报(自然科学版). (北大核心)
18. Chen ZX, He WF, Yang S*, Chang C, Ji M. Seismic performance of a precast hollow insulated shear wall [C]. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering. 2022, 213 LNCE: 430-439. (EI收录)
1. 杨森, 资道铭, 王琨, 晏煜恒, 吉敏. 一种预制装配式隔震支座[P]. 发明专利: ZL202111091786.9, 2022.07.12.
2. 管东芝, 郭正兴, 刘家彬, 杨森. 一种后张预应力分段拼装预制双T板结构及拼装方法[P]. 发明专利: ZL201711383329.0, 2023.09.12.