姓名: 吴春霖
职称: 讲师
研究方向: 格林函数、复合材料细观力学、计算固体力学
办公室:HE 306a,宝山
2013-2017 同济大学 土木工程 工学学士
2017-2018 哥伦比亚大学 土木工程 理学硕士
2018-2021 哥伦比亚大学 固体力学 哲学硕士
2018-2021 哥伦比亚大学 固体力学 哲学博士
2022-10-2022-12 哥伦比亚大学 博士后
2023-02 上海大学 讲师
Mindlin Scholar Award in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
[1] Chunlin Wu and H. Yin*, 2021, The inclusion-based boundary element method (iBEM) for virtual experiments of elastic composites, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
[2] Chunlin Wu and H. Yin*, 2021, Elastic solution of a polygon-shaped inclusion with a polynomial eigenstrain, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transection of ASME
[3] Chunlin Wu, Z. Wei. and H. Yin*, 2021, Virtual and physical experiments of encapsulated phase change material embedded in building envelopes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
[4] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang and H. Yin*, 2021, Elastic solution of a polyhedral particle with a polynomial eigenstrain and particle discretization, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transection of ASME
[5] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang, G. Song and H. Yin*, 2022, Inclusion-based boundary element method for virtual experiments of particulate composites containing arbitrarily shaped inhomogeneities, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
[6] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang*, J. Cui and H. Yin*, 2023, Three-dimensional elastic analysis of a bi-material system with a single domain boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
[7] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang* and H. Yin, 2023, Stress concentration of a micro-void embedded in a bi-layered material considering the boundary effects, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
[8] Chunlin Wu, T. Wang and H. Yin*, 2023, The Green’s function based thermoelastic analysis of spherical geothermal tanks in a semi-infinite domain, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
[9] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang* and H. Yin*, 2023, Effect of defects and reinforcements on the mechanical behavior of a bi-layered panel, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
[10] Chunlin Wu and H. Yin*, 2023, Thermoelastic fields for a heat exchanger of arbitrary shape in a bi-material infinite plane, International Journal of Solids and Structures
[11] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang, P. Singhatanadgid, and D. Zhang*, 2023, Thermoelastic analysis of a bi-layered system with the single domain inclusion-based boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
[12] Chunlin Wu* and H. Yin, 2023, The effects of boundary and inhomogeneities on the delamination of a bi-layered material system, International Journal of Damage Mechanics
[13] Chunlin Wu and H, Yin*, 2024, Stress discontinuity and singularity around the vertex of a triangular inhomogeneity, Journal of the Mechanics and Solids of Physics.
[14] Chunlin Wu, L. Zhang, G. Weng and H. Yin*., 2024, Thermomechanical modeling of functionally graded materials based on bimaterial fundamental solutions. International Journal of Engineering Sciences.
[1] M. Zadshir, Chunlin Wu*, X. Yu and H. Yin*, 2023, Design and performance testing of a novel building integrated photovoltaic thermal roofing panel, Building Simulation
[1] 国家自然科学基金委,青年基金,“基于双重夹杂边界元法的双层复合材料热弹性分析”(2024/01-2026/12)
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