2016年9月-2022年3月 哈尔滨工业大学 工程力学 博士
2017年6月-2021年6月 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 机械工程系 访问学者
2012年9月-2016年6月 中南大学 材料科学与工程 学士
主要从事智能材料与结构力学,液晶弹性体力学行为研究,自适应热固性聚合物及其复合材料的绿色高效回收、自修复和再加工等实验和理论研究。相关成果在力学领域顶级期刊J. Mech. Phys. Solids和Soft Matter、Polymer、Materials Today Sustainability等期刊发表。
[1] Shi X, Soule D, Ge Q, Lu H, Yu K. Evolution of material properties during the solvent-assisted recycling of thermosetting polymers: to reduce the residual stress and material inhomogeneity[J]. Materials Today Sustainability, 2022: 100167. (JCR二区)
[2] Shi X, He X, Luo C, Chung C, Ding Y, Yu K, Influences of material and processing conditions on the depolymerization speed of anhydride-cured epoxy during the solvent-assisted recycling. Polymer, 2022: 124964. (JCR一区)
[3] Zhang J, Shi X, Lu H, Yu K, Fu Y, Self-Toughening and Interfacial Welding of Covalent Adaptable Networks Undergoing Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling. Macromolecules, 2022. 55(23): p. 10320-10329. (JCR一区 Top)
[4] Shi X, Ge Q, Lu H, Yu K, The nonequilibrium behaviors of covalent adaptable network polymers during the topology transition. Soft Matter, 2021, 17 (8), 2104-2119. (JCR二区)
[5] Shi X, Luo C, Lu H, Yu K, Interfacial welding and reprocessing of engineering thermosets based on surface depolymerization. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021, 26, 101368. (JCR一区)
[6] He X, Shi X, Chung C, Lei Z, Zhang W, Yu K. A sustainable manufacturing method of thermoset composites based on covalent adaptable network polymers. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021. 221: 109004. (JCR一区 Top)
[7] He X, Lin Y, Ding Y, Abdullah A, Lei Z, Han Y, Shi X, Zhang W, Yu K. Reshapeable, Rehealable and Recyclable Sensor Fabricated by Direct Ink Writing of Conductive Composites Based on Covalent Adaptable Network Polymers. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2021. (JCR二区)
[8] Li Z, He X, Cheng J, Li H, Zhang Y, Shi X, Yu K, Yang H, Ge Q. Hydrogel-elastomer-based stretchable strain sensor fabricated by a simple projection lithography method. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 2021: 1-13. (JCR二区)
[9] Shi X, Soule D, Mao Y, Yakacki C, Lu H, Yu K, A multiscale chemomechanics theory for the solvent–assisted recycling of covalent adaptable network polymers. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020, 138, 103918.(力学领域旗舰顶级期刊,JCR一区 Top)
[10] Lu H, Shi X, Yu K, Fu Y, A strategy for modelling mechanochemically induced unzipping and scission of chemical bonds in double-network polymer composite. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 165, 456-466. (JCR一区 Top)
[11] Shi X, Luo C, Lu H, Yu K, Primary recycling of anhydride‐cured engineering epoxy using alcohol solvent. Polymer Engineering & Science,2019, 59 (s2), E111-E119. (JCR三区)
[12] Wang X, Lu H, Shi X, Yu K, Fu Y. A thermomechanical model of multi-shape memory effect for amorphous polymer with tunable segment compositions. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019. 160: 298-305. (JCR一区 Top)
[13] Luo C, Lei Z, Mao Y, Shi X, Zhang W, Yu K. Chemomechanics in the moisture-induced malleability of polyimine-based covalent adaptable networks. Macromolecules, 2018. 51(23): 9825-9838. (JCR一区 Top)
[14] Lu H, Wang X, Shi X, Yu K, Fu Y. A phenomenological model for dynamic response of double-network hydrogel composite undergoing transient transition. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018. 151: 148-153. (JCR一区 Top)
[15] Luo C, Shi X, Lei Z, Zhu C, Zhang W, Yu K. Effects of bond exchange reactions and relaxation of polymer chains on the thermomechanical behaviors of covalent adaptable network polymers. Polymer, 2018. 153: 43-51. (JCR一区)
上海市科委扬帆计划人才项目,主持,2023 -2026