2020/07 至今,上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,副教授
2015/09-2020/07 北京大学 工学院 固体力学 理学博士
2017/11-2018/11 美国马里兰大学帕克分校 机械工程系 联合培养博士
2011/09-2015/07 重庆大学 航空航天学院 工程力学 工学学士
柔性能源存储系统:柔性电池力学结构设计,柔性、可拉伸锂离子电池电极的制备与实验表征方法,柔性固态电解质,相关成果在ACS Energy Letters、Advanced Functional Materials, Energy Storage Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interface、Journal of Power Sources期刊上发表.
能源材料中的力学问题:柔性电池结构理论与仿真建模,硅负极大变形有限元模拟,力-化耦合应力/断裂,相关成果发表在Energy Storage Materials、Extreme Mechanics Letters期刊上发表.
能源材料的制备与应用:力-化-光耦合变色器件,柔性/微纳电池3D打印技术,相关成果发表在Energy Storage Materials、Advanced Functional Materials期刊上发表.
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yinhua_Bao
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2462-5219
[1] Liu G, Bao Y*, Qiao Y, Fang D*. Embodied, flexible, high-power-output, structural batteries for untethered, small-scale robots. Energy Storage Materials, 63 (2023): 103021. (SCI, TOP, IF = 20.4).
[2] Bao Y*, Liu H, Zhao Z, Ma X, et al. Toward Flexible Embodied Energy: Scale‐Inspired Overlapping Lithium‐Ion Batteries with High‐Energy‐Density and Variable Stiffness. Advanced Functional Materials, (2023): 2301581. (SCI, TOP, IF = 19.0, 受上海大学科研动态、材料科学前沿、能源学人以及科学材料站等媒体报道)
[3] Liu G, Zhang X, Fang D*, Bao Y*, et al. Crocodile skin inspired rigid-supple integrated flexible lithium ion batteries with high energy density and bidirectional deformability. Energy Storage Materials, 47 (2022): 149-157. (SCI, TOP, IF = 20.4, 封面论文,受邀在上海大学科研动态、能源学人、AZO Materials等媒体报道)
[4] Ao S, Guo Z, Song Y, Fang D, Bao Y*. Clog-Free, Low-Cost, and Uniform Electrode Inks for 3D Printed Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 5 (2022), 6970-6979.
[5] Lu B, Yuan Y, Bao Y, Zhao Y, Song Y, Zhang J. Mechanics-based design of lithium-ion batteries: a perspective. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2023), 29279-29297.
[6] Zhang X*, Bao Y, Chen H, et al. Heterogeneous effects on chemo-mechanical coupling behaviors at the single-particle level. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 169 (2022): 010522.
[7] Liu D, Chen C, Zhou Y, Bao Y, Li T, Hu L*, 3D‐Printed, High‐Porosity, High‐Strength Graphite Aerogel. Small Methods, 5 (2021): 2001188. (SCI, IF = 12.4)
[8] Bao Y, Li T*, Fang D* et al. 3D-printed highly deformable electrodes for flexible lithium ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 33 (2020): 55-61. (SCI, TOP, IF = 20.4)
[9] Bao Y, Fang D* et al. Customized kirigami electrodes for flexible and deformable lithium ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020):780-788.
[10] Bao Y, Chen H*, Fang D*. Mechanical analysis and design of flexible beads-and-thread lithium-ion battery. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 37 (2020): 100717.
[11] Xie H#, Bao Y#, Li T*, et al. Flexible garnet solid-state electrolyte membranes enabled by tile-and-grout design, ACS Energy Letters, 4 (2019): 2668-2674 (SCI, Top, IF= 22.0, 本论文为ACS Energy Lett期刊当月读者阅读最多的文章)
[12] Ping W#, Yang C#, Bao Y#, Li T*, et al. A silicon anode for garnet-based all-solid-state batteries: Interfaces and Nanomechanics. Energy Storage Materials, 21 (2019): 246-252. (SCI, IF = 20.4)
[13] Bao Y, Han Y, Song W, Chen H, Fang D*, Multi-field coupled color-changing devices and structures. SCI CHINA TECHNOL SC, 62 (2019):1065-1066.
[14] Bao Y#, Han Y#, Yang L, Fang D*, et al. Bioinspired controllable electro-chemomechanical coloration films. Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (2018): 1806383. (SCI, Top, IF= 19.0,本论文被多个权威综述期刊引用,包括Chemical Review; Advanced Materials; Mat Sci Eng R, 并得到知社学术圈等多个媒体报道)
[15] Han Y, Yang L, Bao Y, Fang D, et al. A method for analyzing two-dimensional lithium ion concentration in the nano silicon films. Applied Physic Letters, 115 (2019): 264102 (SCI, Top, IF= 4.0)
[16] Chen J#, Le Y#, Han Y, Bao Y, Fang D, et al. An in situ system for simultaneous stress measurement and optical observation of silicon thin film electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 444 (2019): 227227.
[17] Qian J, Chen Q, Hong M, Xie W, Jing S, Bao Y, Chen G, Pang Z, Hu L, Li T. Toward stretchable batteries: 3D-printed deformable electrodes and separator enabled by nanocellulose. Materials Today, 54 (2022): 18-26. (SCI, Top, IF= 24.2)
[18] Qian Y, Lu B, Bao Y, et al. Prelithiation design for suppressing delamination in lithium-ion battery electrodes. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 42 (2021):1703-1716.
[1] 一种鳞片叠片式可弯曲柔性电池及其制造方法. 鲍垠桦,刘冠中,方岱宁, 发明专利,已授权.
[2] 一种双向可弯曲柔性电池及制造方法. 鲍垠桦,刘冠中,方岱宁, 发明专利,已授权.
[3] 可展及非可展曲面编织电池及其制造方法. 鲍垠桦,刘子牛,方岱宁,发明专利,实审中.
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持,2022/01-2024/12
[2] 上海市科委扬帆计划人才项目,主持,2021/05-2024/04
[3] 湖北隆中实验室开放基金,主持,2022/01-2024/12
[4] 北京大学(合作),主持,2023/06-2024/01
[1] 工程力学A3, A4(本科生),春季、冬季学期
[2] 工程力学C3, C4(本科生),春季、冬季学期
[3] 概率论与数理统计(本科生),春季学期
[1] 上海市力学学会“优秀青年学者” 二等奖
[2] 上海大学优秀全程导师
[3] 第二届上海大学十大学术进展 提名奖 (2023)
[4] 上海大学力学与工程科学学院“年度青年” (2024)
[1] Extreme Mechanics Letters Early Career Advisory Board 2023/01-2024/12