• English


创建时间:  2019-07-18  丁珏   浏览次数:








2015/08-2016/08,以色列,Weizmann Institute of Science,博士后







[1] An B*, Li Y, 2021. Role of strain rate sensitivity of extrafibrillar matrix on fracture in mineralized collagen fibril arrays. Eng Fract Mech 245, 107592.

[2] Xu M, An B*, 2020. Competing mechanisms in fracture of amorphous films resting on ductile substrates, Eng Fract Mech, 236, 107215.

[3] Xu M, An B*, 2020. An analysis of fracture in staggered mineralized collagen fibril arrays, Int J Solids Struct, 193 – 194, 535 – 549.

[4] Xu M, An B*, 2020. Dynamic crack propagation in the turtle carapace. Mech Mater 151, 103614.

[5] An B*, Xu M, 2019. Localized plastic deformation in amorphous films on a ductile substrate, Mech Mater, 136, 103084.

[6] An B*, 2019. Notch tip fields in amorphous films resting on ductile substrates, Eur J Mech A Solids, 75, 1 – 9.

[7] An B*, 2019. Delamination of stiff films on pressure sensitive ductile substrates, Int J Appl Mech, 11, 1950014.

[8] An B*, Sun W, 2019. A theory of biological composites undergoing plastic deformations, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 93, 204 – 212.

[9] An B*, Zhang D, 2018. An analysis of crack growth in dentin at the microstructural scale, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 81, 149 – 160.

[10] An B*, Wagner HD, 2017. The effect of microcracking in the peritubular dentin on the fracture of dentin, J Biomech, 65, 125 – 130.

[11] An B*, 2017. Analysis of crack interacting with the composite microstructure of dentin, Eur J Mech A Solids, 66, 287 – 295.

[12] An B*, Xu Y, Zhang D, 2017. Crack initiation and propagation in composite microstructure of dentin, Int J Solids Struct, 110 – 111, 36 – 43.

[13]An B*, Wagner HD, 2017. Protection mechanisms of the carapace of a box turtle, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 71, 54 – 67.

[14] Li X, An B, Zhang D, 2017. Effect of Interfacial Properties on the Mechanical Behavior of Bone-Like Materials: A Numerical Study, Int J Appl Mech, 9, 1750014.

[15] An B*, 2016. Constitutive modeling the plastic deformation of bone-like materials, Int J Solids Struct, 92 – 93, 1 – 8.

[16] An B*, Wagner HD, 2016. Role of microstructure on fracture of dentin, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 59, 527 – 537.

[17] Gao S, An B, Yahyazadehfar M, Zhang D, Arola D, 2016. Contact fatigue of human enamel: Experiments, mechanisms and modeling, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 60, 438 – 450.

[18]An B,Zhang D, 2015. Bioinspired toughening mechanism: lesson from dentin, Bioinspir Biomim, 10, 046010.

[19]An B,Wang R, Arola D, Zhang D, 2015. Damage mechanisms in uniaxial compression of single enamel rods, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 42, 1 – 9.

[20] Li X, An B, Zhang D, 2015. Determination of elastic and plastic mechanical properties of dentin based on experimental and numerical studies, Appl Math Mech, 36(10), 1347 – 1358.

[21] An B, Zhao X, Arola D, Zhang D, 2014. Fracture analysis for biological materials with an expanded cohesive zone model, J Biomech, 47, 2244 – 2248.

[22] An B, Zhao X, Zhang D, 2014. On the mechanical behavior of bio-inspired materials with non-self-similar hierarchy, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 34, 8 – 17.

[23] Xu Y, An B, Zhang D, Wang R, 2014. Region dependent fracture resistance behavior of human dentin based on numerical simulation, Appl Math Mech, 35(3), 277 – 284.

[24] Yahyazadehfar M, Ivancik J, Majd H, An B, Zhang D, Arola D, 2014. On the mechanics of fatigue and fracture in teeth, Appl Mech Rev, 66, 030803.

[25] An B, Wang R, Zhang D, 2012. Role of crystal arrangement on the mechanical performance of enamel, Acta Biomater, 8(10), 3784-3793.

[26] An B, Wang R, Arola D, Zhang D, 2012. The role of property gradients on the mechanical behavior of human enamel,JMech Behav Biomed Mater, 9, 63-72.

[27] An B, Wang R, Zhang D, 2012. Region dependent micro damage of enamel under indentation, Acta Mech Sin, 28(5), 1651-1658.

[28] An B, Liu Y, Arola D, Zhang D, 2011. Fracture toughening mechanism of cortical bone: An experimental and numerical approach,JMech Behav Biomed Mater, 4, 983-992.







[2]以色列Council for Higher Education,Outstanding postdoctoral fellows,2016



[2] CAD在结构力学中的应用(本科生),春季学期


International Journal of Solids and Structures, Acta Biomaterialia, Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Progress in Organic Coatings审稿人.



创建时间:  2019-07-18  丁珏   浏览次数:   








2015/08-2016/08,以色列,Weizmann Institute of Science,博士后







[1] An B*, Li Y, 2021. Role of strain rate sensitivity of extrafibrillar matrix on fracture in mineralized collagen fibril arrays. Eng Fract Mech 245, 107592.

[2] Xu M, An B*, 2020. Competing mechanisms in fracture of amorphous films resting on ductile substrates, Eng Fract Mech, 236, 107215.

[3] Xu M, An B*, 2020. An analysis of fracture in staggered mineralized collagen fibril arrays, Int J Solids Struct, 193 – 194, 535 – 549.

[4] Xu M, An B*, 2020. Dynamic crack propagation in the turtle carapace. Mech Mater 151, 103614.

[5] An B*, Xu M, 2019. Localized plastic deformation in amorphous films on a ductile substrate, Mech Mater, 136, 103084.

[6] An B*, 2019. Notch tip fields in amorphous films resting on ductile substrates, Eur J Mech A Solids, 75, 1 – 9.

[7] An B*, 2019. Delamination of stiff films on pressure sensitive ductile substrates, Int J Appl Mech, 11, 1950014.

[8] An B*, Sun W, 2019. A theory of biological composites undergoing plastic deformations, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 93, 204 – 212.

[9] An B*, Zhang D, 2018. An analysis of crack growth in dentin at the microstructural scale, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 81, 149 – 160.

[10] An B*, Wagner HD, 2017. The effect of microcracking in the peritubular dentin on the fracture of dentin, J Biomech, 65, 125 – 130.

[11] An B*, 2017. Analysis of crack interacting with the composite microstructure of dentin, Eur J Mech A Solids, 66, 287 – 295.

[12] An B*, Xu Y, Zhang D, 2017. Crack initiation and propagation in composite microstructure of dentin, Int J Solids Struct, 110 – 111, 36 – 43.

[13]An B*, Wagner HD, 2017. Protection mechanisms of the carapace of a box turtle, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 71, 54 – 67.

[14] Li X, An B, Zhang D, 2017. Effect of Interfacial Properties on the Mechanical Behavior of Bone-Like Materials: A Numerical Study, Int J Appl Mech, 9, 1750014.

[15] An B*, 2016. Constitutive modeling the plastic deformation of bone-like materials, Int J Solids Struct, 92 – 93, 1 – 8.

[16] An B*, Wagner HD, 2016. Role of microstructure on fracture of dentin, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 59, 527 – 537.

[17] Gao S, An B, Yahyazadehfar M, Zhang D, Arola D, 2016. Contact fatigue of human enamel: Experiments, mechanisms and modeling, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 60, 438 – 450.

[18]An B,Zhang D, 2015. Bioinspired toughening mechanism: lesson from dentin, Bioinspir Biomim, 10, 046010.

[19]An B,Wang R, Arola D, Zhang D, 2015. Damage mechanisms in uniaxial compression of single enamel rods, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 42, 1 – 9.

[20] Li X, An B, Zhang D, 2015. Determination of elastic and plastic mechanical properties of dentin based on experimental and numerical studies, Appl Math Mech, 36(10), 1347 – 1358.

[21] An B, Zhao X, Arola D, Zhang D, 2014. Fracture analysis for biological materials with an expanded cohesive zone model, J Biomech, 47, 2244 – 2248.

[22] An B, Zhao X, Zhang D, 2014. On the mechanical behavior of bio-inspired materials with non-self-similar hierarchy, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 34, 8 – 17.

[23] Xu Y, An B, Zhang D, Wang R, 2014. Region dependent fracture resistance behavior of human dentin based on numerical simulation, Appl Math Mech, 35(3), 277 – 284.

[24] Yahyazadehfar M, Ivancik J, Majd H, An B, Zhang D, Arola D, 2014. On the mechanics of fatigue and fracture in teeth, Appl Mech Rev, 66, 030803.

[25] An B, Wang R, Zhang D, 2012. Role of crystal arrangement on the mechanical performance of enamel, Acta Biomater, 8(10), 3784-3793.

[26] An B, Wang R, Arola D, Zhang D, 2012. The role of property gradients on the mechanical behavior of human enamel,JMech Behav Biomed Mater, 9, 63-72.

[27] An B, Wang R, Zhang D, 2012. Region dependent micro damage of enamel under indentation, Acta Mech Sin, 28(5), 1651-1658.

[28] An B, Liu Y, Arola D, Zhang D, 2011. Fracture toughening mechanism of cortical bone: An experimental and numerical approach,JMech Behav Biomed Mater, 4, 983-992.







[2]以色列Council for Higher Education,Outstanding postdoctoral fellows,2016



[2] CAD在结构力学中的应用(本科生),春季学期


International Journal of Solids and Structures, Acta Biomaterialia, Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Progress in Organic Coatings审稿人.

教育部长江学者特聘教授 杰青
