• English


创建时间:  2018-11-01  裴志茹   浏览次数:






2024/04-现在 上海大学, 力学与工程科学学院,教授

2017/07-2024/03 上海交通大学, 机械与动力工程学院,副教授

2016/05-2017/05 麦克马斯特大学, 工程学院,副研究员

2013/06-2015/09 拉斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室, 材料科学与技术部,博士后

2011/03-2013/04 麦克马斯特大学, 工程学院,博士后


2006/09-2011/06麦克马斯特大学 机械工程,工学博士

2002/09-2005/07 清华大学 工程力学 硕士

1998/09-2002/07 西安交通大学 工程力学 学士








[1] “Suppression of temperature quenching in perovskite nanocrystals for highly efficient and thermally stable light emitting diodes.” Nature Photonics 15, 379-385, (2021)

[2] “Strain rate sensitive and anisotropic behavior of rare-earth magnesium alloy ZEK100 sheet.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11, 882-891, (2023)

[3] “On the torsional and coupled torsion-tension/compression behavior of a magnesium alloy solid rod: a crystal plasticity evaluation.” International Journal of Plasticity 151, 103213, (2022)

[4] “Studying the micromechanical behaviors of a polycrystalline metal by artificial neural networks.” Acta Materialia 214, 117006, (2021)

[5] “Self-regulated underwater phototaxis of a photoresponsive hydrogel-based phototactic vehicle.” Nature Nanotechnology 19, 77-84 (2024)

[6] “Enhancing fatigue life by ductile-transformable multicomponent B2 precipitates in a high-entropy alloy.” Nature Communications 12, 3588. (2021)

[7] “An experimental evaluation of elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent models for a rolled magnesium alloy under monotonic loading along different material orientations.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11, 1264-1275. (2023)

[8] “Grain-size effect on the deformation of Mg−3Al−3Sn alloy: Experiments and elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent modeling.” International Journal of Plasticity 143, 103018. (2021)

[9] “Phase-transforming Ag-NiTi 3-D interpenetrating-phase composite with high recoverable strain, strength and electrical conductivity.” Applied Materials Today 29, 101639. (2022)

[10] “Twinning and detwinning behaviors of commercially pure titanium sheets.” International Journal of Plasticity 121, 261-279. (2019)


[1] 江苏省重点研发计划项目, “航天飞行器舱段用铝锂合金环件制备关键技术研发”, 2022.06-2025.05 (课题负责人)

[2] 国防科工委, 基础加强计划173重点基础研究项目, “xxxx性能数值计算和实验研究” 2021.01-2025.12 (课题负责人)

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, “铝合金微通道扁管成形对其应力腐蚀行为的影响”, 2020.01-2023.12 (主持)

[4] 企业委托课题, “面向智能网联的跨区域系统实车验证平台开发”,2023.01-2023.12, (主持)

5. 企业委托课题, “基于数字孪生的涂装机器人预测性维护系统”, 2023.02-2023.07, (主持)

6. 企业委托课题, “注塑机操作的人工智能化改造”, 2023.04-2025.12 (主持)

7. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, “3D打印不锈钢在低温环境中的变形机理的实验和模拟研究”, 2020.10-2022.09 (主持)

8. 企业委托课题 “铜翅片管旋压成形仿真建模及计算分析”, 2019.11-2020.11, 11万(主持)

9. 上海市浦江人才计划, “基于中子衍射和晶体塑性多晶多尺度模型对铝合金构件残余应力的研究”, 2018.07-2020.06, (主持)

10. 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室重点基金,“基于电纺/生物3D打印复合骨软骨分层仿生支架的智能化设计” ,2019.01-2021.12 (主持)


[1] 上海市浦江人才计划获得者

[2] “2021中国十大光学进展”提名奖


[1] 工程学导论(本科生)

[2] 固体力学(研究生)


[1] 国际期刊《Metals》编委

[2] 国际期刊《Crystal》的特邀编辑

[3] Acta Materialia; International Journal of Plasticity; Nano Energy; Scientific Reports; Materials Science and Engineering A; JOM; Materials & Design; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Mechanics of Materials; International Journal of Mechanical Science等20家期刊审稿人

上一条: 王伯福



创建时间:  2018-11-01  裴志茹   浏览次数:   






2024/04-现在 上海大学, 力学与工程科学学院,教授

2017/07-2024/03 上海交通大学, 机械与动力工程学院,副教授

2016/05-2017/05 麦克马斯特大学, 工程学院,副研究员

2013/06-2015/09 拉斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室, 材料科学与技术部,博士后

2011/03-2013/04 麦克马斯特大学, 工程学院,博士后


2006/09-2011/06麦克马斯特大学 机械工程,工学博士

2002/09-2005/07 清华大学 工程力学 硕士

1998/09-2002/07 西安交通大学 工程力学 学士








[1] “Suppression of temperature quenching in perovskite nanocrystals for highly efficient and thermally stable light emitting diodes.” Nature Photonics 15, 379-385, (2021)

[2] “Strain rate sensitive and anisotropic behavior of rare-earth magnesium alloy ZEK100 sheet.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11, 882-891, (2023)

[3] “On the torsional and coupled torsion-tension/compression behavior of a magnesium alloy solid rod: a crystal plasticity evaluation.” International Journal of Plasticity 151, 103213, (2022)

[4] “Studying the micromechanical behaviors of a polycrystalline metal by artificial neural networks.” Acta Materialia 214, 117006, (2021)

[5] “Self-regulated underwater phototaxis of a photoresponsive hydrogel-based phototactic vehicle.” Nature Nanotechnology 19, 77-84 (2024)

[6] “Enhancing fatigue life by ductile-transformable multicomponent B2 precipitates in a high-entropy alloy.” Nature Communications 12, 3588. (2021)

[7] “An experimental evaluation of elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent models for a rolled magnesium alloy under monotonic loading along different material orientations.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11, 1264-1275. (2023)

[8] “Grain-size effect on the deformation of Mg−3Al−3Sn alloy: Experiments and elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent modeling.” International Journal of Plasticity 143, 103018. (2021)

[9] “Phase-transforming Ag-NiTi 3-D interpenetrating-phase composite with high recoverable strain, strength and electrical conductivity.” Applied Materials Today 29, 101639. (2022)

[10] “Twinning and detwinning behaviors of commercially pure titanium sheets.” International Journal of Plasticity 121, 261-279. (2019)


[1] 江苏省重点研发计划项目, “航天飞行器舱段用铝锂合金环件制备关键技术研发”, 2022.06-2025.05 (课题负责人)

[2] 国防科工委, 基础加强计划173重点基础研究项目, “xxxx性能数值计算和实验研究” 2021.01-2025.12 (课题负责人)

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, “铝合金微通道扁管成形对其应力腐蚀行为的影响”, 2020.01-2023.12 (主持)

[4] 企业委托课题, “面向智能网联的跨区域系统实车验证平台开发”,2023.01-2023.12, (主持)

5. 企业委托课题, “基于数字孪生的涂装机器人预测性维护系统”, 2023.02-2023.07, (主持)

6. 企业委托课题, “注塑机操作的人工智能化改造”, 2023.04-2025.12 (主持)

7. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, “3D打印不锈钢在低温环境中的变形机理的实验和模拟研究”, 2020.10-2022.09 (主持)

8. 企业委托课题 “铜翅片管旋压成形仿真建模及计算分析”, 2019.11-2020.11, 11万(主持)

9. 上海市浦江人才计划, “基于中子衍射和晶体塑性多晶多尺度模型对铝合金构件残余应力的研究”, 2018.07-2020.06, (主持)

10. 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室重点基金,“基于电纺/生物3D打印复合骨软骨分层仿生支架的智能化设计” ,2019.01-2021.12 (主持)


[1] 上海市浦江人才计划获得者

[2] “2021中国十大光学进展”提名奖


[1] 工程学导论(本科生)

[2] 固体力学(研究生)


[1] 国际期刊《Metals》编委

[2] 国际期刊《Crystal》的特邀编辑

[3] Acta Materialia; International Journal of Plasticity; Nano Energy; Scientific Reports; Materials Science and Engineering A; JOM; Materials & Design; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Mechanics of Materials; International Journal of Mechanical Science等20家期刊审稿人

教育部长江学者特聘教授 杰青

上一条: 王伯福
