2022/03 -今,上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,教授
2016/07 -2022/02,上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,副教授
2008/09-2013/06 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系 流体力学 工学博士
2004/09-2008/08 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系 理论与应用力学 工学学士
1. Xiang Qiu, Yuanxiang Mao, Bofu Wang*, Yuxian Xia, Yulu Liu, Spatial–temporal prediction model for unsteady near-wall flow around cylinder based on hybrid neural network, Computers and Fluids, 2024, 284, 106420.
2. Xiang Qiu, Yang Li, Jiahua Li, Bofu Wang* and Yulu Liu. WindFormer: Learning Generic Representations for Short-Term Wind Speed Prediction, Applied Science, 2024, 14, 6741.
3. Jianghua Li, Bofu Wang*, Xiang Qiu, Quan Zhou, Shixiao Fu and Yulu Liu, Vortex dynamics and boundary layer transition in flow around a rectangular cylinder with different aspect ratios at medium Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 982:A5
4. Wensheng Meng, Chaoben Zhao, Jianzhao Wu, Bofu Wang*, Quan Zhou* and Kai Leong Chong*, Simulation of flow and debris migration in extreme ultraviolet source vessel, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 023322
5. Bofu Wang*, Jinlei Wu, Jianzhao Wu, Kaileong Chong, Yulu Liu, and Quan Zhou*, Experimental study of heat transfer in a rectangular cell with built-in lattice channels, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(6):075128.
6. Jianghua Li, Bofu Wang*, Xiang Qiu, Jianzhao Wu*, Quan Zhou, Shixiao Fu and Yulu Liu*, Three-dimensional vortex dynamics and transitional flow induced by a circular cylinder placed near a plane wall with small gap ratios, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 953, A2
7. Bofu Wang*, Qiang Wang, Quan Zhou and Yulu Liu, Active control of flow past a elliptic cylinder using an artificial neural network trained by deep reinforcement learning, 2022, Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 43(12), 1921-1934.
8. Jianzhao Wu, Bofu Wang*, Kaileong Chong*, Yuhong Dong, Chao Sun and Quan Zhou*, Vibration-induced ‘anti-gravity’ tames thermal turbulence at high Rayleigh numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 951, A13
9. Jianghua Li, Bofu Wang*, Xiang Qiu, Jianzhao Wu*, Quan Zhou, Shixiao Fu and Yulu Liu*, The dynamics of cylinder-wake/boundary-layer interaction revealed by turbulent transports, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 115136
10. Chao-Ben Zhao, Bofu Wang, Jian-Zhao Wu*, Kai Leong Chong* and Quan Zhou*, Suppression of flow reversals via manipulating corner rolls in plane Rayleigh–Bénard convection, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 946: A44.
11. Zhi-feng Wu, Jian-Zhao Wu, Bofu Wang and Zhi-ming Lu, Effect of Stokes number on energy modulation of the fluid in turbulent particle-laden channel flows, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2022, 510: 510–521.
12. Kui Yang, Bofu Wang*, Xiang Qiu and Yulu Liu, Multi-Step Short-Term Wind Speed Prediction Models Based on Adaptive Robust Decomposition Coupled with Deep Gated Recurrent Unit, Energies, 15(12):4221.
13. JianzhaoWu, Bofu Wang*, Quan Zhou, Massive heat transfer enhancement of Rayleigh-Bénard turbulence over rough surfaces and under horizontal vibration, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, 37(11).
14. Tianyong Yang, Bofu Wang, Jianzhao Wu*, Zhiming Lu, Quan Zhou, Horizontal convection in a rectangular enclosure driven by a linear temperature profile, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 42:1183–1190
15. Jianzhao Wu, Bofu Wang*, Yuhong Dong, Quan Zhou*, Phase decomposition analysis on oscillatory Rayleigh–Bénard turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(4):045108
16. Bofu Wang, Quan Zhou*, Chao Sun*, Vibration-induced boundary-layer destabilization achieves massive heat-transport enhancement, Science Advances, 2020, 6: eaaz8239.
17. Ying Deng, Bofu Wang*, Zhi-Ming Lu, A hybrid model based on data preprocessing strategy and error correction system for wind speed forecasting, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 212:112779.
18. Daoliang Dong; Bofu Wang*; Yuhong Dong; Nan Jiang; Quan Zhou*; Influence of spatial arrangements of roughness elements on turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection, Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 045114.
19. Bofu Wang, Xuerui Mao*, Tamer A. Zaki, Low-frequency selectivity in flat-plate boundary layer with elliptic leading edge, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 866:239-262.
20. Zhi-Ming Lu, Bo-Fu Wang*, Guo-Qing Liu, Flow structure and heat transfer of electro-thermo-convection in a dielectric liquid layer, Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(6):064103.
[1] 深度学习及其工程应用(本科生),
[2] 机器学习及其工程应用(研究生)
[3] 计算流体力学(本科生)
[4] 力学信息学(本科生)