题 目:Research Activities in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti6Al4V at the University of Washington
报告人:Dwayne Arola University of Washington

Dwayne Arola is a Professor of Material Science and Engineering (MSE) at the University of Washington and serves as the Director of the Applied Masters Program, which enrolls graduate students from around the world. He holds an adjunct appointment in Mechanical Engineering. His research is broadly focused on process to performance relationships of engineering and natural materials. He is primarily interested in their damage tolerance, including process-performance relationships and contributions to their resistance to fatigue and fracture. He is Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, received a Career award from the National Science Foundation and his work has attracted support from the DOD, FAA, NIDCR, NIH, and NSF, as well as many industrial partners.
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) has the potential to revolutionize the design and manufacturing of engineering components in many industries. Due to key advantages over traditional processes, including minimal material waste and unlimited design complexity, L-PBF is being pursued for applications in commercial aerospace and the biomedical industry. Despite this tremendous potential, there are key obstacles to the development and application of L-PBF components in stress-critical and mission critical applications. This presentation will provide an overview of active research projects at the University of Washington involving in the four primary areas contributing to the quality of components, namely the i) powder feedstock, ii) machine design, iii) process variability, and iv) post processing. Important findings in each of these four areas will be highlighted.