• English


创建时间:  2019-04-01  丁珏   浏览次数:






2007/03 至今, 上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,副研究员





2000/09-2003/12 美国西北大学 机械工程系 机械工程 工学博士

1997/09-2000/07 北京大学 力学与工程科学系 流体力学 理学硕士

1992/09-1997/07 清华大学 水利水电工程系 水利水电工程建筑 工学学士





[1] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Intrinsic characteristics of asymmetric edge flames: effects of stoichiometry on edge speed and temperature, Proc. Combust. Inst., 2025, in press.

[2] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Anchored and lifted diffusion flames supported by symmetric and asymmetric edge flames. Symmetry, 2023, 15:1547.

[3] Z.B. Lu, Structure and extinction of reverse smolder waves in the presence of volumetric heat losses: a premixed-flame perspective. Combust. Flame, 2022, 242:112201.

[4] F. Zhu, S. Wang, Z.B. Lu and C. Wu. Opposed flame spread over thick solid fuels under influence of sub-atmospheric pressure and low-velocity flow. Fire Saf. J., 2021, 125:103430.

[5] Z.B. Lu and J. Li, Dynamics of flame rings in a thermally-conductive narrow channel: a numerical experiment. Combust. Theory Model., 2021, 25:1158-1174.

[6] S.M. Xie, Z.B. Lu and Z. Chen, Effects of strain rate and Lewis number on forced ignition of laminar counterflow diffusion flames. Combust. Flame, 2021, 226:302-314.

[7] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, The speed and temperature of an edge flame stabilized in a mixing layer: dependence on fuel properties and local mixture fraction gradient. Combust. Sci. Technol., 2020, 92(7):1274-1291.

[8] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Edge flames in mixing layers: effects of heat recirculation through thermally active splitter plates. Combust. Flame, 2020, 217:262-273.

[9] F. Zhu, Z.B. Lu, S.F. Wang and Y.L. Yin, Microgravity diffusion flame spread over a thick solid in step-changed low-velocity opposed flows. Combust. Flame, 2019, 205:55-67.

[10] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Characterization of heat recirculation effects on the stabilization of edge flames in the near-wake of a mixing layer. Proc. Combust. Inst., 2019, 37:1799-1806.

[11] F. Zhu, S.F. Wang and Z.B. Lu, A comparative study of near-limit flame spread over a thick solid in space- and ground-based experiments. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2018, 30:943-949.

[12] Z.B. Lu, A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (II) stability analysis. Combust. Flame, 2018, 196:529-542.

[13] Z.B. Lu, A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (I) 1-D steady structures. Combust. Flame, 2018, 196:515-528.

[14] X.T. Chen, Z.B. Lu and S.F. Wang, Near limit premixed flamelets in Hele-Shaw cells. Proc. Combust. Inst., 2017, 36:1585-1593.

[15] S.F. Wang, S.D. Wang, K.C. Zhu, Y. Xiao and Z.B. Lu, Near quenching limit instabilities of concurrent flame spread over thin solid fuel. Combust. Sci. Technol., 2016, 188(3):451-471.

[16] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Structure and dynamics of edge flames in the near wake of unequal merging shear flows. Combust. Theory Model., 2016, 20(2):258-295.

[17] F. Zhu, Z.B. Lu and S.F. Wang, Flame spread and extinction over a thick solid fuel in low-velocity opposed and concurrent flows. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2016, 28:87-94.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,边界火焰的结构和动力学研究,主持,2022/01-2025/12

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微小尺度空间预混过滤燃烧过程中驻定火焰的基本特征和稳定性研究,参与,2018/01-2021/12

[3] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,微重力条件下热厚固体材料燃烧特性研究,参与,2018/01-2020/12


[1] 概率论与数理统计(本科生),春季学期

[2] 热力学概论(本科生),冬季学期

[3] 高等流体力学(硕士研究生),秋、冬季学期




创建时间:  2019-04-01  丁珏   浏览次数:   






2007/03 至今, 上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,副研究员





2000/09-2003/12 美国西北大学 机械工程系 机械工程 工学博士

1997/09-2000/07 北京大学 力学与工程科学系 流体力学 理学硕士

1992/09-1997/07 清华大学 水利水电工程系 水利水电工程建筑 工学学士





[1] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Intrinsic characteristics of asymmetric edge flames: effects of stoichiometry on edge speed and temperature, Proc. Combust. Inst., 2025, in press.

[2] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Anchored and lifted diffusion flames supported by symmetric and asymmetric edge flames. Symmetry, 2023, 15:1547.

[3] Z.B. Lu, Structure and extinction of reverse smolder waves in the presence of volumetric heat losses: a premixed-flame perspective. Combust. Flame, 2022, 242:112201.

[4] F. Zhu, S. Wang, Z.B. Lu and C. Wu. Opposed flame spread over thick solid fuels under influence of sub-atmospheric pressure and low-velocity flow. Fire Saf. J., 2021, 125:103430.

[5] Z.B. Lu and J. Li, Dynamics of flame rings in a thermally-conductive narrow channel: a numerical experiment. Combust. Theory Model., 2021, 25:1158-1174.

[6] S.M. Xie, Z.B. Lu and Z. Chen, Effects of strain rate and Lewis number on forced ignition of laminar counterflow diffusion flames. Combust. Flame, 2021, 226:302-314.

[7] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, The speed and temperature of an edge flame stabilized in a mixing layer: dependence on fuel properties and local mixture fraction gradient. Combust. Sci. Technol., 2020, 92(7):1274-1291.

[8] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Edge flames in mixing layers: effects of heat recirculation through thermally active splitter plates. Combust. Flame, 2020, 217:262-273.

[9] F. Zhu, Z.B. Lu, S.F. Wang and Y.L. Yin, Microgravity diffusion flame spread over a thick solid in step-changed low-velocity opposed flows. Combust. Flame, 2019, 205:55-67.

[10] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Characterization of heat recirculation effects on the stabilization of edge flames in the near-wake of a mixing layer. Proc. Combust. Inst., 2019, 37:1799-1806.

[11] F. Zhu, S.F. Wang and Z.B. Lu, A comparative study of near-limit flame spread over a thick solid in space- and ground-based experiments. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2018, 30:943-949.

[12] Z.B. Lu, A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (II) stability analysis. Combust. Flame, 2018, 196:529-542.

[13] Z.B. Lu, A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (I) 1-D steady structures. Combust. Flame, 2018, 196:515-528.

[14] X.T. Chen, Z.B. Lu and S.F. Wang, Near limit premixed flamelets in Hele-Shaw cells. Proc. Combust. Inst., 2017, 36:1585-1593.

[15] S.F. Wang, S.D. Wang, K.C. Zhu, Y. Xiao and Z.B. Lu, Near quenching limit instabilities of concurrent flame spread over thin solid fuel. Combust. Sci. Technol., 2016, 188(3):451-471.

[16] Z.B. Lu and M. Matalon, Structure and dynamics of edge flames in the near wake of unequal merging shear flows. Combust. Theory Model., 2016, 20(2):258-295.

[17] F. Zhu, Z.B. Lu and S.F. Wang, Flame spread and extinction over a thick solid fuel in low-velocity opposed and concurrent flows. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2016, 28:87-94.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,边界火焰的结构和动力学研究,主持,2022/01-2025/12

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微小尺度空间预混过滤燃烧过程中驻定火焰的基本特征和稳定性研究,参与,2018/01-2021/12

[3] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,微重力条件下热厚固体材料燃烧特性研究,参与,2018/01-2020/12


[1] 概率论与数理统计(本科生),春季学期

[2] 热力学概论(本科生),冬季学期

[3] 高等流体力学(硕士研究生),秋、冬季学期

教育部长江学者特聘教授 杰青

