• English


创建时间:  2018-09-01  丁珏   浏览次数:







2018/01 至今 上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,教授

2007/03-2017.12 上海大学,理学院力学系,教授

2014/09-2014/10 美国布朗大学,访问学者

2012/07-2013/07 美国弗吉尼亚大学,访问学者

2008/06-2009/05 获Multiscale Material Mechanics Fellowship,

与希腊亚里斯多德大学、美国密歇根理工大学Aifantis教授合作研究2000/08-2007/02 上海大学,理学院力学系,副教授

1998/04-2000/06 上海市应用数学和力学研究所,博士后,副研究员(2000/05)


1988/09-1998/07 兰州大学力学系,工学学士,理学硕士,理学博士




[1]NH Zhang, ZQ Tan, JJ Li, WL Meng, LW Xu, Interactions of single-stranded DNA on microcantilevers, Current Opinion in Colloids and Interface Sciences, 2011, 16: 592–596 (SCI IF−8.010, Invited Review by VA Parsegian from NIH, the founding editor of Biophysical Discussions and chief editor of Biophysical Journal); Workshop “Discussion on Hydration Forces”, Sofia, April 4-1, 2012, Co-sponsored by Elsevier, European COST Action CM1101, Sofia University. (Invited Report)

[2] CY Zhang, NH Zhang, Size dependent correlation between structure and apparent stiffness of viral DNA during temperature variation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 154, 104501. (SCI IF−5.471)

[3]NH Zhang, JY Shan. An energy model for nanomechanical deflection of cantilever-DNA chip, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008, 56: 2328–2337. (SCI IF−3.467)

[4]NH Zhang, WL Meng, ZQ Tan, A multi-scale model for the analysis of the inhomogeneity of elastic properties of DNA biofilm on microcantilevers, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(7): 1833–1842. (SCI IF−8.312)

[5]NH Zhang, JZ Chen, JJ Li, ZQ Tan, Mechanical properties of DNA biofilms adsorbed on microcantilevers in label-free biodetections, Biomaterials, 2010, 31(25): 6659–6666. (SCI IF−7.882)

[6]NH Zhang, CX Wu, Y Yang, JZ Wu, Adjustable frequency shift of laminated DNA microbeam under complex detection conditions by different packaging patterns, Composite Structures, 2022, 292, 115652. (SCI IF−6.603)

[7]Q Lyu, NH Zhang, CY Zhang, JZ Wu, YC Zhang, Effect of adsorbate viscoelasticity on dynamical responses of laminated microcantilever resonators, Composite Structures, 2020, 250: 112553. (SCI IF−4.829)

[8]Q Lyu, NH Zhang, JZ Wu, H Ding, Double-peak resonant mapping of cellular viscoelasticity in force-clamp detection of atomic force microscope, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 527, 116869. (SCI IF−4.761)

[9]MH Zhou, WL Meng, CY Zhang, XB Li, JZ Wu, and NH Zhang, The pH-dependent elastic properties of nanoscale DNA films and the resultant bending signals for microcantilever biosensors, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 3028–3039. (SCI IF−3.905, Back Cover)

[10]NH Zhang, JZ Chen. An alternative two-variable model for bending problems of multilayered beams, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 75: 044503.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,癌变细胞粘弹性力学性能的跨尺度表征及其微梁检测方法,主持,2022/01-2025/12

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,DNA类软物质材料力学性能的跨尺度表征、识别及其应用,主持,2018/01-2021/12

[3] 上海博物馆横向项目,明清家具榫卯节点结构抗拔和抗弯力学性能的研究,2017/10-2018/10

[4] 上海市教委重大项目,流致管道振动的非线性控制,参与,2019/01-2024/12









[8]2005年第十九届上海市优秀发明选拔赛一等奖,TKY相贯焊缝节点超声波探伤的研究(第3完成人) (上海市总工会,上海市知识产权局,上海市发明协会等14家单位)

[9]2004年度上海高校优秀青年教师后备人选 (中共上海市科教党委,上海市教委)



[12]2002年上海市科学技术进步二等奖:粘弹性力学的理论、方法和应用 (第3完成人)

[13]2001 年上海市教委优秀教学成果二等奖:弹性力学课程建设与试题库 (第3完成人)

[14]2000年上海大学优秀教学成果特等奖:弹性力学课程建设与试题库 (第3完成人)



结构力学、材料力学、工程力学和塑性力学等 本科生课程


中国微米纳米技术学会理事(第三届2016-2020;第四届 2022-2027)




创建时间:  2018-09-01  丁珏   浏览次数:   







2018/01 至今 上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,教授

2007/03-2017.12 上海大学,理学院力学系,教授

2014/09-2014/10 美国布朗大学,访问学者

2012/07-2013/07 美国弗吉尼亚大学,访问学者

2008/06-2009/05 获Multiscale Material Mechanics Fellowship,

与希腊亚里斯多德大学、美国密歇根理工大学Aifantis教授合作研究2000/08-2007/02 上海大学,理学院力学系,副教授

1998/04-2000/06 上海市应用数学和力学研究所,博士后,副研究员(2000/05)


1988/09-1998/07 兰州大学力学系,工学学士,理学硕士,理学博士




[1]NH Zhang, ZQ Tan, JJ Li, WL Meng, LW Xu, Interactions of single-stranded DNA on microcantilevers, Current Opinion in Colloids and Interface Sciences, 2011, 16: 592–596 (SCI IF−8.010, Invited Review by VA Parsegian from NIH, the founding editor of Biophysical Discussions and chief editor of Biophysical Journal); Workshop “Discussion on Hydration Forces”, Sofia, April 4-1, 2012, Co-sponsored by Elsevier, European COST Action CM1101, Sofia University. (Invited Report)

[2] CY Zhang, NH Zhang, Size dependent correlation between structure and apparent stiffness of viral DNA during temperature variation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 154, 104501. (SCI IF−5.471)

[3]NH Zhang, JY Shan. An energy model for nanomechanical deflection of cantilever-DNA chip, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008, 56: 2328–2337. (SCI IF−3.467)

[4]NH Zhang, WL Meng, ZQ Tan, A multi-scale model for the analysis of the inhomogeneity of elastic properties of DNA biofilm on microcantilevers, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(7): 1833–1842. (SCI IF−8.312)

[5]NH Zhang, JZ Chen, JJ Li, ZQ Tan, Mechanical properties of DNA biofilms adsorbed on microcantilevers in label-free biodetections, Biomaterials, 2010, 31(25): 6659–6666. (SCI IF−7.882)

[6]NH Zhang, CX Wu, Y Yang, JZ Wu, Adjustable frequency shift of laminated DNA microbeam under complex detection conditions by different packaging patterns, Composite Structures, 2022, 292, 115652. (SCI IF−6.603)

[7]Q Lyu, NH Zhang, CY Zhang, JZ Wu, YC Zhang, Effect of adsorbate viscoelasticity on dynamical responses of laminated microcantilever resonators, Composite Structures, 2020, 250: 112553. (SCI IF−4.829)

[8]Q Lyu, NH Zhang, JZ Wu, H Ding, Double-peak resonant mapping of cellular viscoelasticity in force-clamp detection of atomic force microscope, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 527, 116869. (SCI IF−4.761)

[9]MH Zhou, WL Meng, CY Zhang, XB Li, JZ Wu, and NH Zhang, The pH-dependent elastic properties of nanoscale DNA films and the resultant bending signals for microcantilever biosensors, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 3028–3039. (SCI IF−3.905, Back Cover)

[10]NH Zhang, JZ Chen. An alternative two-variable model for bending problems of multilayered beams, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 75: 044503.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,癌变细胞粘弹性力学性能的跨尺度表征及其微梁检测方法,主持,2022/01-2025/12

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,DNA类软物质材料力学性能的跨尺度表征、识别及其应用,主持,2018/01-2021/12

[3] 上海博物馆横向项目,明清家具榫卯节点结构抗拔和抗弯力学性能的研究,2017/10-2018/10

[4] 上海市教委重大项目,流致管道振动的非线性控制,参与,2019/01-2024/12









[8]2005年第十九届上海市优秀发明选拔赛一等奖,TKY相贯焊缝节点超声波探伤的研究(第3完成人) (上海市总工会,上海市知识产权局,上海市发明协会等14家单位)

[9]2004年度上海高校优秀青年教师后备人选 (中共上海市科教党委,上海市教委)



[12]2002年上海市科学技术进步二等奖:粘弹性力学的理论、方法和应用 (第3完成人)

[13]2001 年上海市教委优秀教学成果二等奖:弹性力学课程建设与试题库 (第3完成人)

[14]2000年上海大学优秀教学成果特等奖:弹性力学课程建设与试题库 (第3完成人)



结构力学、材料力学、工程力学和塑性力学等 本科生课程


中国微米纳米技术学会理事(第三届2016-2020;第四届 2022-2027)

教育部长江学者特聘教授 杰青

