电子邮件:davidzsguo@shu.edu.cn; davidzsguo@t.shu.edu.cn
2016/03 至今,上海大学,力学与工程科学学院,教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:制备工艺下锂离子电池电极的流变特性、微结构演化和界面粘结性能,执行年度:2022/01-2025/12
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于多孔电极图像的多尺度多物理场建模与计算,执行年度:2020/01-2023/12
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:充放电循环下锂离子电池电极的结构变形、分层和锂枝晶生成,执行年度:2015/01-2018/12
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于多场耦合的厚截面树脂基复合材料优化与控制研究,执行年度:2008/01-2010/12
[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:锂离子电池化学反应-相变-变形耦合、开裂和分层的研究(参与人中排名第二),执行年度:2014/01-2018/12
[6] 上海市自然科学基金项目:锂电池硅基薄膜电极充放电过程中的变形计算和测量,执行年度:2012/07-2015/06
[1] 材料力学(土木专业本科生,2007-2022)
[2] 工程力学(机械类专业本科生)
[3] 断裂力学(力学专业本科生)
[4] 张量分析与连续介质力学(力学专业本科生)
[5] 力学的发现——变形与破坏(新生研讨课)
[6] 材料本构关系及弹塑性力学(力学专业研究生)
[7] 微细观力学(力学专业研究生,2010-2015)
[1] 材料力学(第二版),同济大学出版社有限公司,2015.12
[2] 材料力学(英文版)(第二版),同济大学出版社有限公司,2020.12
1. Zhou, Heyang; Gao, Li Ting; Li, Yimeng; Lyu, Yuhang; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries with two-layer gradient electrode architectures. Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 476:143656.
2. Gao, Li Ting; Lyu, Yuhang; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, External pressure affecting dendrite growth and dissolution in lithium metal batteries during cycles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 58416−58428.
3. Huang, Pingyuan; Gao, Li Ting; Guo, Zhan-Shen, Electrochemo-mechanical response of all solid-state batteries: Finite element simulations supported by image-based 3D reconstruction of X-ray microscopy tomography. Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 463:142873.
4. Gao, Li Ting; Huang, Pingyuan; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Understanding charge-transfer and mass-transfer effects on dendrite growth and fast charging of Li metal battery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170: 050512.
5. Li, Yimeng; Huang, Pingyuan; Gao, Li Ting; Zhao, Chunwang; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Data-driven state of health estimation for lithium-ion batteries based on universal feature selection. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170: 040507.
6. Huang, Pingyuan; Gao, Li Ting; Lu, Bo; Feng, Jiemin; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Analytical and experimental investigation of the mode-II energy release rate of electrodes using a plasticity-assisted zero-degree peeling configuration. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 284: 109276.
7. Gao, Li Ting; Huang, Pingyuan; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Critical role of pits in suppressing Li dendrites revealed by continuum mechanics simulation and in situ experiment. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169: 060522.
8. Huang, Pingyuan; Gao, Li Ting; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Elastoplastic model for chemo-mechanical behavior of porous electrodes using image-based microstructure. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 254–255: 111903.
9. Gao, Li Ting; Huang, Pingyuan; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Elucidating the role of rational separator microstructures in guiding dendrite growth and reviving dead Li. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14: 41957−41968.
10. Wu, Yang; Huang, Pingyuan; Gao, Li Ting; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Modeling contact behavior of multiparticles and particle–current collector contact in porous electrode. Energy Technology, 2022, 10:2200786 (封面文章).
11. Tian, Hao.; Gao, Li Ting; Guo, Zhan-Sheng, Microstructural adjusting crack evolution of polycrystalline NCM particle during charge/discharge cycle. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169: 090513.
12. Tian, H.; Gao, L.T.; Huang, P.Y.; Li, Y.M.; Guo, Z.-S., Simulation of intergranular fracture behavior inside randomly aggregated LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO2 polycrystalline particle. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 266: 108381.
13. Wu Y, Guo Z-S. Modeling Li-ion concentration distribution and stress of porous electrode particles considering binder and direct particle contact. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 44: 103315.
14. Wu Y, Guo Z-S. Concentration distribution and stresses in porous electrodes with particle-particle contact. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168: 090507.
15. Huang P, Guo Z-S. Li-ion distribution and diffusion-induced stress calculations of particles using an image-based finite element method. Mechanics of Materials, 2021, 157: 103843.
16. Cai X, Guo Z-S. Influence of Li concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient and modulus hardening on diffusion-induced stresses in anisotropic anode particles. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168: 010517.
17. Huang P, Liu C, Guo Z-S, Feng J. Analytical model and experimental verification of the interfacial peeling strength of electrodes. Experimental Mechanics, 2021, 61: 321–330.
18. Gao L T, Huang P, Feng J, Zhu R, Guo Z-S. In situ characterization and phase-filed modeling of the interaction between dendrites and gas bubbles during an electrochemical process. ChemElectroChem, 2021, 8(15): 2881-2887.
19. Gao L T, Guo Z-S. Effects of optimized electrode surface roughness and solid electrolyte interphase on lithium dendrite growth. Energy Technology, 2021, 9(7): 2000968.
20. Gao L T, Guo, Z-S. Phase-field simulation of Li dendrites with multiple parameters influence. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 183: 109919.
21. Cai X, Guo Z-S. Coupled mechano-diffusion J-integral in active particles under the influence of binder. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 231: 107031.
22. Huang, Ping-Yuan; Guo, Zhansheng; Feng, Jie-Min, General model of temperature-dependent modulus and yield strength of thermoplastic polymers. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2020, 38, 382–393
23. Guo Z-S, Liu C, Lu B, Feng J. Theoretical and experimental study on the interfacial adhesive properties of graphite electrodes in different charging and aging states. Carbon, 2019, 150: 32-42.