姓名: 程玉民
[1]R. J. Cheng, Y. M. Cheng*. Solving unsteady Schrödinger equation using the improved element-free Galerkin method. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(2): 020203
[2]Y. M. Cheng*, F. N. Bai, C. Liu, M. J. Peng. Analyzing nonlinear large deformation with an improved element-free Galerkin method via the interpolating moving least-squares method. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 5(4): 1650023
[3]F. X. Sun, J. F. Wang, Y. M. Cheng*. An improved interpolating element-free Galerkin method for elastoplasticity via nonsingular weight functions. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8(8): 1650096
[4]邹诗莹,席伟成,彭妙娟,程玉民*.运用改进的无单元Galerkin方法分析机场道面断裂力学问题.物理学报, 2017, 66(12): 120204
[5]王斌骅,马永其,冯伟,程玉民*. Kirchhoff板弯曲问题的改进的复变量无单元Galerkin方法.中国科学:物理学力学天文学, 2017, 47(9): 094601
[6]Y. Wu, Y. Q. Ma, W. Feng, Y. M. Cheng*. Topology optimization using the improved element-free Galerkin method for elasticity. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(8): 080203-1-10
[7]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. A hybrid improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional potential problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2017, 84: 52-62
[8]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. A fast complex variable element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional wave propagation problems. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 9(6): 1750090-1-29
[9]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved element-free Galerkin method for two-dimensional advection-diffusion problems. International Journal of Applied and Experimental Mathematics, 2017, 2: 122
[10]蔡小杰,彭妙娟,程玉民*.弹塑性大变形问题的改进的无单元Galerkin方法.中国科学:物理学力学天文学, 2018, 48: 024701
[11]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. The dimension splitting and improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for 3-dimensional transient heat conduction problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, 114: 321-345
[12]Z. J. Meng, H. Cheng, L. D. Ma, Y. M. Cheng*. The dimension split element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional potential problems. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2018, 34(3): 462-474
[13]L. Chen, Y. M. Cheng*. The complex variable reproducing kernel particle method for bending problems of thin plates on elastic foundations. Computational Mechanics, 2018, 62: 67-80
[14]F. B. Liu, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved element-free Galerkin method based on the nonsingular weight functions for inhomogeneous swelling of polymer gels. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 10(4): 1850047
[15]F. B. Liu, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved element-free Galerkin method based on the nonsingular weight functions for elastic large deformation problems. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 7(3): 1850023
[16]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. A hybrid improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional advection-diffusion problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 97: 39-54
[17]Z. J. Meng, H. Cheng, L. D. Ma, Y. M. Cheng*. The dimension splitting element-free Galerkin method for 3D transient heat conduction problems. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2019, 62(4): 040711
[18]Z. J. Meng, H. Cheng, L. D. Ma, Y. M. Cheng*. The hybrid element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional wave propagation problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019, 117: 15-37
[19]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. Analyzing wave propagation problems with the improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 100: 80-87
[20]F. B. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. M. Cheng*. A meshless method based on the nonsingular weight functions for elastoplastic large deformation problems. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 11(1): 1950006-1-25
[21]S. Y. Yu, M. J. Peng, H. Cheng, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional elastoplasticity problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 104: 215-224
[22]D. Liu, Y. M. Cheng*. The interpolating element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method for three-dimensional potential problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 108: 115-123
[23]张竹筠,彭妙娟,黄能,程玉民*.人体皮肤起皱的非线性大变形分析.计算机辅助工程, 2019, 28(1): 62-69
[24]B. H. Wang, Y. Q. Ma, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for bending problem of thin plate on elastic foundations. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 11(10): 1950105
[25]程珩,彭妙娟,程玉民*.新型无网格方法理论与应用.中国科技成果, 2019, 20(23): 22-23
[26]L. D. Ma, Z. J. Meng, J. F. Chai, Y. M. Cheng*. Analyzing 3D advection-diffusion problems by using the dimension splitting element-free Galerkin method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 111: 167-177
[27]P. P. Peng, Q. Wu, Y. M. Cheng*. The dimension splitting reproducing kernel particle method for three-dimensional potential problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121: 146-164
[28]Q. Wu, F. B. Liu, Y. M. Cheng*. The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional elastoplasticity problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 115: 156-167
[29]H. Cheng, M. J. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. The hybrid complex variable element-free Galerkin method for 3D elasticity problems. Engineering Structures, 2020, 219, 110835
[30]P. P. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. Analyzing three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems with the dimension splitting reproducing kernel particle method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 121: 180-191
[31]D. Liu, Y. M. Cheng*. The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems. Results in Physics, 2020, 19: 103477
[32]G. D. Zheng, Y. M. Cheng*. The improved element-free Galerkin method for diffusional drug release problems. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020, 12(8): 2050096
[33]Q. Wu, P. P. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for elastic large deformation problems. Science China Technological Sciences, 2021, 64: 364-374
[34]P. P. Peng, Y. M. Cheng*. Analyzing three-dimensional wave propagation with the hybrid reproducing kernel particle method based on the dimension splitting method. Engineering with Computers,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-020-01256-9
[3] Fellow of International Association of Applied Mechanics (会士),2020
[4] Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials (会士),2021
[5] VEBLEO Fellow (会士),2021
[1] International Association of Applied Mechanics执行委员会委员(Executive Committee member)
[2] Special Issue of Mathematical Problems in Engineering客座主编( Lead Guest Editor)
SI: Mathematical Aspects of Meshless Methods (2014)
SI: New Trends in Numerical Simulation and Data Analysis (2020-2021)
[3] International Journal of Computers副主编
[4] International Journal of Applied Mechanics编辑和编委
[5] International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering编委
[6] Journal of Computational Engineering编委
[7] International Journal of Applied & Experimental Mathematics编委
[8] International Journal of Mathematical Physics编委
[9] Video Proceedings of Advanced Materials编委
近年来从事无网格方法的研究工作。在无网格方法研究方面,现已提出了改进的移动最小二乘法、复变量移动最小二乘法、移动最小二乘插值法、复变量无单元Galerkin方法、无网格流形方法、复变量重构核粒子法、插值型无单元Galerkin方法、维数分裂-无单元Galerkin方法和边界无单元法等,并对无网格方法的数学理论进行了研究,如移动最小二乘法、移动最小二乘插值法和改进的移动最小二乘法的误差估计、无单元Galerkin方法的误差估计及有限点法的误差估计等。在国内外著名刊物发表了无网格方法的研究成果,如《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》(7篇)、《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》(3篇)、《Computational Mechanics》(6篇)、《International Journal of Solids and Structures》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《Computers and Mathematics with Applications》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Applied Numerical Mathematics》(2篇)、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》(4篇)、《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》(15篇)、《International Journal of Applied Mechanics》(12篇)、《Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy》(6篇)、《Science China Technological Sciences》、《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》(7篇)、《Acta Mechanica Sinica》(2篇)、《力学学报》(7篇)、《Chinese Physics B》(16篇)和《物理学报》(12篇)等。