题目:Composite behavior of GRS walls:Mechanistic insights and practical benefits

Jie Han教授现任夏威夷大学马诺阿分校Bob Wong客座教授,担任堪萨斯大学土木、环境与建筑工程系Roy A. Roberts杰出教授。他在国际岩土工程领域担任多项重要学术职务:美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)岩土分会前主席;国际土工合成材料学会(IGS)财务负责人;美国交通运输研究委员会(TRB)路基工程分会主席;《Frontiers in Built Environment》期刊专业主编。Han教授发表期刊及会议论文500余篇。作为国际知名学者,他受邀在全球范围内作主题报告/特邀讲座及短期课程300余场,包括:2018年George·F·Sowers研讨会(亚特兰大)实践现状报告;2018年英国IGS第18届年度讲座(伦敦);2021年Robert M. Koerner奖讲座;2023年孙钧讲座。Han教授屡获殊荣,如,2014年国际土工合成材料学会奖;2017年ASCE Martin S. Kapp基础工程奖;2018年ASCE堪萨斯城分会年度工程师奖;2024年堪萨斯应用科学Irvin E. Youngberg奖;2014年当选ASCE会士(Fellow)。
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) walls are increasingly utilized to support structural loads, such as bridge foundations, in addition to retaining soils. To enhance the performance of GRS walls, particularly in load-bearing applications, geosynthetic reinforcements are more often placed in close spacing in recent applications. This configuration leads to improved performance characterized by increased load capacities, reduced reinforcement loads, and minimized deformations, which are commonly attributed to the composite behavior of the system. This lecture explores the mechanismsand mechanics underlying the enhanced performance of GRS walls, focusingontheir composite behavior by comparing walls with closely spaced reinforcements to those with larger spacing. It also discusses the necessary conditions to fully mobilize the composite behavior and highlights the practical benefits of close reinforcement spacing and strong facing connections with largely spaced reinforcements. These benefits are demonstrated through numerical analyses, large-scale experimental tests, and field monitoring, showcasing improvements in GRS wall performance under lateral earth pressures, static footing loads, and seismic loading.