题 目:Transportation Geo-structures in a Changing Climate: Challenges and Opportunities
报告人:Prof.Mohamed Meguid McGill University时 间:2023年11月30日10:00-12:00
地 点:上海大学宝山校区土木楼404室
邀请人:刘飞禹 教授
Meguid教授现任加拿大麦吉尔大学土木工程系系主任,曾任麦吉尔大学工程学院副院长。主持了NSERC、FRQNT及MITACS等20余项课题,总经费超一千万加币(折合约6千万人民币)。在Water Research、ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering、Geotextiles and Geomembranes、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、Applied Energy、Landslides等权威期刊发表论文近百篇。现任岩土工程权威期刊Geotextiles and Geomembranes副主编、Canadian Geotechnical Journal编委。
In this talk, Dr. Meguid will explore the significant challenges posed by climate change to the longevity of transportation infrastructure. It begins by defining kev concepts, including the nature of transportation infrastructure and the fundamentals of climate change. Emphasis will be placed on how geo-structures (highway/railway embankments, buried culverts, etc.) are increasingly vulnerable to climate-related shifts such as temperature fluctuations and changing precipitation patterns. Central to the discussion will be the conventional design of transportation embankments highlighting the role of introducing geosynthetics in these structures to mitigate risks. The presentation will evaluate the limitations and potential of various moisture contro.methods under different conditions. The talk will conclude with reflections on the current state of design and the need for new models to address the evolving challenges posed by climate change.