wwww@SIAMM (Weekly Workshop on Water Waves)
主题: 海面微尺度波:维数破裂理论与“水波-光学”比拟
主持:卢东强 (SIAMM.上海大学)
【摘要】 Water waves can span scales of hundreds of kilometers to a few millimeters with fascinating and complex behaviors. At small scales, when gravity and surface tension are equally important, water waves exhibit a large variety of phenomena, one of which is the dimension-breaking bifurcation related to the geometric and nonlinear self-interaction focusing. This phenomenon is very much like strong laser pulses propagating through a Kerr medium. We describe the reasons for this similarity and how the evolutions in the two cases differ past the collapse time.
王 展 中国科学院力学研究所研究员、学术委员会副主任,中科院流固耦合系统力学重点实验室副主任。本科与硕士毕业于南京大学,2012年获威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士学位。毕业后曾先后担任伦敦大学学院研究助理和巴斯大学讲师。2015年底全职回国工作;2016年入选国家人才计划青年项目。主要从事水动力学、环境流体力学、地球物理流体力学、流动稳定性等方向的理论与应用基础研究。担任《水动力学研究与进展》《力学进展》《Journal of Hydrodynamics》《Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》等多种期刊的编委。