题 目:复合材料层合板的渐进损伤研究
Progressive failure analysis of composite laminates
Computational modelling and prediction of progressive failure of composite materials has been a topic of much research in recent years, with the ultimate aim of applying such concepts to simplify and accelerate the design of composite structures in engineering application. In finite element (FE) analysis of progressive failure of composites, there are two common approaches, i.e. the smeared crack model (SCM) and the discrete crack model (DCM). The SCM is well suited for describing diffused damage through material degradation, but it is generally unable to account for strong discontinuities and coupling between different failure modes. In contrast, the DCM utilizes element partitioning to explicitly introduce cracks into the model and is generally better at preserving fidelity to the mechanics of crack growth. However, for larger composite components and structures, the DCM is neither efficient nor practical. Therefore, application of each standalone method cannot preserve accuracy to the fracturing process while maintaining efficiency and simplicity in progressive failure modelling of composites.
In this talk, Dr. Lu will review the recent development on the progressive failure analysis of composite laminates, with particular focus on the advance of computational mechanics. To overcome the limitation of conventional methods and further increase the modelling capability, Dr. Lu has proposed several numerical models in the past few years based on the concept of “adaptive analysis”. Integration of standard SCM and DCM was attempted, so that the multi-stage failure process from diffuse damage to discrete cracking could be faithfully captured. With a hybrid damage-crack description, the numerical accuracy and efficiency were ensured at the same time. Finally, the potential application and future work will be discussed at the end of this talk.
2015年获南京航空航天大学工程力学学士学位;2019年获新加坡国立大学固体力学博士学位;2020年至上海大学力学与工程科学学院、上海市应用数学和力学所任教,并获上海市科委浦江人才计划项目资助。主要从事复合材料力学、断裂力学和计算固体力学等方向的研究,相关工作在CMAME, Composites Part A, Composite Structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics等学术期刊上发表。