题 目:On the Dynamic Response of Fish Scales and Contributions of Intermolecular Bonding
报告人:Prof. Dwayne D. Arola
时间: 12月29日(周二)上午8:30
地点: 线上Zoom会议ID: 963 547 8335,密码:249311

摘要The dermal armors of terrestrial and aquatic animals are inspiring the design of “next-generation” flexible structural materials. The elasmoid scales of teleost fish are frequently studied due to their interesting layered structure, flexibility, and high specific toughness. Recent work has shown that the strain rate sensitivity of elasmoid scales is a function of the molecular bonding within the collagen fibrils of the elasmodine layers. The contribution of secondary bonding, often ignored in the performance of engineering structural materials, can be changed by exposure to polar solvents. Here, the dynamic loading response of elasmoid fish scales is explored after exposure to polar solvents with different Hansen solubility parameters or collagen cross-linkers. The changes in mechanical behavior are assessed in uniaxial tension and transverse puncture, under a large range of strain rates. Results show that interpeptide bonding and covalent bonds contribute differently to the mechanical behavior. Preliminary efforts of developing engineered laminates that capitalize on the findings to achieve similar properties are presented.
Dwayne D. Arolais the professor of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Washington. He is also the adjunct professor of Oral Health Sciences and Restorative Dentistry. Arola received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Washington and then joined the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maryland in 1997. He moved to University of Washington in 2014 as a professor of materials science and engineering. His research is focused on mechanical properties of biological materials, including enamel, dentin, bone and fish scales. He is also working on the bioinspired materials design.